A blog about acrylic painting that teaches readers tips and tricks.

How To Get Started With Acrylic Painting: 3 Tips for a Beginner

I have been painting for about six years now, but I still remember like it was yesterday when I first decided that I wanted to give painting with acrylics a try. Oh boy! Overwhelmed is an understatement, to say the least. Who knew there were so many different types of paints to choose from, not to mention all the different colors there are?

Then there are paintbrushes. If you are anything like me, you are probably thinking to yourself a paintbrush is a paintbrush, why are there so many different kinds of brushes?

If you are overwhelmed like I was and are about to throw in the towel, please do not do that just yet because I have 3 easy tips that I would like to share with you that will make painting with acrylics sound so much less daunting. Let’s jump right in!

1. Paint

So, you are looking at all the different brands of paint and as you look, you cannot help but notice the prices of Golden, Liquitex, Master’s Touch, or Utrecht. You think to yourself, there is no way am I paying them ridiculous prices. I saw some acrylic paint at the dollar store for a fraction of what they want for these paints.

As tempting as this may be this is not the way to go. One of the most important tips I can give you is to buy the most expensive paint your budget can afford. You will quickly realize that the old saying “you get what you pay for” definitely applies here.

The more expensive paint which is referred to as professional-grade paint will have more pigment than the cheaper paint which is called student body paint and therefore will cost you less in the long run.

Different types of acrylic paint
A couple of my paints. (Master’s Touch, Golden, Academy, and Liquitex)

2. What Colors?

I know when you are in the paint aisle and you see all the different reds, blues, greens, purples, pinks, oranges, whites, and blacks (just to name a few), you will be tempted to pick up all of them, it is easy to do!

DON’T DO IT! All you need is the basic primary colors to start off with. This includes Cadmium Yellow, Naphthol Crimson, Pthalo Green, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White, and Mars Black. With these basic colors, you will learn quickly that you can make every color you see in the paint aisle.

It would be a good idea to purchase a color wheel and freshen up your knowledge of color theory. This will be a major help when it comes to mixing colors.

3. Paint Brushes

Like the paints, this is another item where cheap is not always better. Instead of getting a lot of cheap little paint brushes, spend the same amount of money on 3 or 4 quality brushes. As long as you take care of them and clean them properly, they will last a very long time.

I would suggest you start off with a number 4 Filbert (flat with a rounded point), a number 4 Bright (a fancy way of saying Flat), and a number 4 Round (A point at the end of the brush – for fine detail). These brushes will allow you to obtain many different kinds of brush strokes as well as cover your canvas quite easily.


These 3 tips are sure to get you headed in the right direction. If you are excited to learn more about painting, please come back next week and I will dive deeper into the wonderful world of painting with you! See you next week, stay safe, and happy painting to all!

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